CO-OWNERS: Login below (username and password were provided by the Highlander Group) to view monthly financials, budget, etc
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Master Deed & Bylaws
- Master Deed
- Bylaws
- Articles of Incorporation
- Purchaser Information Booklet
- Escrow Agreement
- Disclosure Statement
- Rules & Resolutions:
- Fine Assessment Policy (revised & executed November 10, 2022)
- Temporary Use of Portable on Demand Storage (PODS) (executed May 16, 2007)
- Rules Regarding the Use of Golf Carts (executed May 20, 2014)
- Parking Resolution (executed October 18, 2016)
- Sign Resolution (executed October 2, 2019)
- Resolution on Delinquent Assessment Collection Procedure (effective April 1, 2020)
- Approved Mailbox Style
- Design Guidelines
- Amendments to Master Deed:
- The Condominium Buyers Handbook
Please CLICK HERE to access the following forms:
- Contact Information Update
- Pet Registration
If you have any general questions regarding your unit, please contact your property manager, Amanda Gruzin, in our office. If you have a question regarding your account status, or any balances, please contact Robin Stanford or Jessica Boback in our office.
Realtors/Title Agencies:
If you are a realtor or from a title agency calling on behalf of a client, please contact Jessica Boback in our office. If you need a condo questionnaire or a status letter for a closing or refinance, please use to order the documents you need.